去年12月,在i English當了一次的host之後,已經抖過了一次。除了在陌生人面前講話就沒自信之外,硬著頭皮講Broken English也是很抖的原因。不過,也因為這樣的機會,社友們開始比較認識我。於是,社長希望我可以給一個小演講,時間約二十分鐘,內容自定。在我歪頭想想的時候,他說,那就來個1/4日吧! 深呼吸之後,我就說,好吧!
This is my first article this year, which is about my unforgettable speech in public.
On 4th of January in 2014, I delivered a talk for iEnglish members. This talk was arranged by the presidents of iEnglish last year. After promising to deliver this talk, I started to figure out a interesting topic which I was able to offer. So, I determined to showcase my projects done in London 2011-2012. It was quite a journey to review all photos and documents, which brought me back to sliver memory i enjoyed. Finally, the storyline gradually had been drawn down. The process of retrospection made me realized the meaning behind the connection with dots in my life.
Two hours before my show time, extreme scarceness suddenly hit me severely, even I had done my preparation for this talk. Struggling for a while, I barely went there, and deliver it, with trembling voice. Surprisely, I was given some compliments and comments by new and old friends. For me, final project was only an experiment design project regarding historic Antiques Market in regenerated area. However, they called it as a cultural campaign, which sounded so powerful and influent. Anyway, I was so delighted that this talk had been done well with my broken English. haha.
Furthermore, it also marked the third annuversary of the first landing in London. :)
Definitely, it was a good start to my 2014. I am sure of it!