有了第一次的完美經驗,我們很期待第二家-Does,在Barbican Station附近。這一帶的建物很特別,除了靠近Moorgate Station那一區是玻璃帷幕的現代大樓,再來往西一些有Musesum of London及Barbican Complex,兩者有些現代結構主義的那種建築,幾何形式及結構外露。後者是一個文化中心,有展覽、小市集、電影、音樂會等等,我們還蠻常去那裡討論功課的,因為有免費的網路:P。再往西一些,就是Does咖啡店這一帶,Victoria式的房子很多,小巷子裡的教堂及酒吧很多。就這麼一條街,可以這麼大的不同。
這家咖啡店的外頭店面是白底紅字,我一度以為這是日本人開的。然後走進去之後,發現並不是這麼一回事,空間不大。在四方形的空間裡,有三分之一是吧台的部份,另外二面有一些坐位。我跟多美妮喝了咖啡之後,對看了一眼。心裡想的是同一件事: 這真的是第二名嗎? 因為香氣並不多,嚐起來也有點苦澀,有種天堂落到谷底的感覺。室內的感覺並沒有很舒服,也許是跟我們坐在近門口有關。我們給它,二點五顆星!!
我看著窗外有一大幢的華麗的建築,正在想那會是什麼呢? 多美妮說這個Old Fashion Style的空間是Smithfiled Market(London Central Market),是倫敦最大的肉品批發市場,已經有140年的歷史,若以市集交易來說,大概有一千多年喔! 要養這個大城市這麼多的人,銷售量一定很驚人。如果是魚市場的話,我就會去看看,至於肉... 算了。
We were really looking forward to the second cafe on the list, Does, after visiting Bea with an extraordinary memory. Does is near Barbican Station. To be honest, the streetscape in this neighbourhood is really impressive. The area around Moorgate Station, east to Barbican Station, is occupied with modern buildings with metal and glass curtain walls, which are used for business or finance. The architectures around Barbican Station look much grey and black. For example, Museum of London and Barbican complex are designed in brutalism style, which means the buildings are form with repetitive angular geometries and raw materials such as concrete and wood. Heading west further, you can see an array of Victorian houses showing up along the street. Moreover, many churches and bars are easily found in the lanes and allies. Diverse townscape characters lie in such a compact space. It is really cool.
I was supposed that the shop could be a Japanese brand according to the white wall with red words, typical Japanese color and style. But, I was wrong. Entering this space, I found that the shop was not much spacious. Service surface took up roughly one third of whole space whereas few tables were arranged along two other walls. After drinking the coffee we ordered, we were wondering whether it was top 2 or not. Few coffee flavor and slight bitter. We seemly fell down to the bottom of the Vally from the heaven. Besides, atmosphere was not as cosy as we expected. So, we gave it 2.5 stars. So sad...
During the conversation with Dominique, I noticed the lavish and decorated building opposite of Does. Dominique introduced it to me that the old fashion building is Smithfiled Market, officially London Central Market, which is the biggest meat wholesale market for around 140 years and on site for more than 1000 years. I can imagine that the amount of sale for whole London consumption must be amazing!
Ps. I have come to the Barbican Centre quite often for discussion with college mates because of free wifi there. The Barbican is Europe's largest multi-arts and conference venue presenting a diverse range of art, music, theatre, dance, film and creative learning events.
(2 March)