


在Eva妹妹送了來紐約「Rent」音樂劇的「Sesaon of Love」給我暖暖心之後,我所有對Musical的記憶都全部湧出來了,尤其是悲慘世界。悲慘世界(Les Miserables)是依據雨果(Victor Hugo)的同名小說所改編的音樂劇,去年,在倫敦上演了二十五年之久。對於我來說,記得高中的時候,每天早上進學校,就會聽到樂旗隊正在練習「One day more」,那時才知道原來世界上有音樂劇這個玩意。隨著時間推進,一直到開始工作了,坐在旁邊的老鄰居Y喜歡音樂劇,在一次同行國際書展時,她說,99元的悲慘世界十年紀念音樂,物超所值,一定要買。把它帶回家之後,原本只有我一個人在客廳開大音響看,到後來,媽媽及姐姐都默默地一起坐在沙發上,直到看完。唱得真的好感人,坐在電視機前的我都這麼感動了,如果現場聽,想必更是激動吧! 沒多久,坐在我前面的H先生,竟然要去倫敦看Les Miserables,可惡!!! 算他有良心,帶了紀念衫給我。:) 


我找了一些由Jean Valjean這個角色所演唱的片段,十年紀念音樂會(at the Royal Albert Hall)是由Colm Wikinson所演出,而的二十五年紀念音樂會(at O2)是由Alfie Boe所演出。 

Bring him home (10th Anniversary)-Colm Wilkinson

Bring him home (25th Anniversary)-Alfie Boe

One Day More (10th Anniversary)-Colm Wilkinson 

One Day More (25th Anniversary)-Alfie Boe


Les Miserables 25th Final


二位的音色不同,個人感覺Colm Wilkinson的聲音有溫潤的情感,而Alfie Boe的音色是集中明亮。不知為何,覺得Colm Wikinson唱得比十五年前更好,整個人很有味道。而同時看到十五年前一同在台上的演員,也有種好親切的感覺。很想跟他們說,謝謝你們給我這樣的感動,歷久彌新,不因歲月而消逝...



後記:看了Colm Wikinson的官網才知道,原來他也演了the Phantom in "The Phantom of the Opera"~~


Tonight is my own on-line musical event~ 


This evening, Eva sent me a link with the song,  ‘Season of Love’, from the famous NYC musical, ‘Rent’. At that moment, listening to the song made all of my memory about musicals flash back, especially from ‘Les Miserables’.  ‘Les Miserables’ is a musical based on the novel by Victor Hugo and it has been on the stage for more than 25 years. For me, my memory of Les Miserables can be traced back to my senior high school days. Every morning, the song, ‘One day more’, was performed by the marching band. That was my first encounter with the musical. 

When I worked in my second job, my colleague Y, who sat next to me, was crazy for musical and classical music. She highly recommended that I should get the album of Les Miserables’ 10th Anniversary Concert.  She said that it was definitely value for money and I bought it without any hesitation. :P I assumed that my family would not be interested in the musical, so I enjoyed the musical at home without inviting my family to join me.  However, to my surprise, on hearing the music, my mom and sister slowly creeped into the living room and sat down next to me. They watched the whole musical with me right until the end !! Hehe~ Afterwards, all of us agreed that the musical was more amazing than we thought.  I think that being at the concert would be even  more touching and inspiring. A couple of weeks afterwards, another colleague planned to visit London and added seeing Les Miserables to his schedule. I was really jealous of him…XD In the end, he was a good guy and bought me back a commemorative T-shirt.

Ok, I have finished with writing about it! Now I will introduce you to some video clips. There are some clips available about the role of Jean Valjean, played by Colm Wikinson during the 10th Anniversary Concert at the Royal Albert Hall and also Alfie Boe during the 25th Anniversary Concert at O2. Hope you enjoy them!

Bring him home (10th Anniversary)-Colm Wilkinson

Bring him home (25th Anniversary)-Alfie Boe

One Day More (10th Anniversary)-Colm Wilkinson 

One Day More (25th Anniversary)-Alfie Boe

And now, let us see the combination of the 10th and the 25th Anniversary actors singing together at the concert….

For me, the voice of Colm Wikinson is warm and emotional.  Whereas,  Alfie Boe’s voice is strong and clear. I don’t know why, but from a personal point of view, I think that Colm Wikinson sang better now at the new concert than previously. Also, I have a great sense of familiarity when seeing the original actors coming back to the stage. I would like to thank them for their wonderful performance, which gave me an unforgettably touching memory . J

 I promised myself that I will one day go to the concert, definitely before I leave London.

PS, OMG, Colm Wikinson also played the Phantom in ‘the Phantom of the Opera’, according to his official web. 

    2012 english writing

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